Aug 22, 2014

Brunette Makeup

Hi there! 

Soon, I plan to show you a lot more about my daily life by blogging weekly.
As my new blog is not ready yet, this blog will be alive for a little longer. 
I want to share my journey with you and creates original contents for you.
 (makeup tutorial, ootd, videos, diary )

Harajuku view

I'm still living in Tokyo but since it's summer vacations, home sweet home, I'm spending my free time in France. 

Today is a make-up looks post!

Guys, I made a huge personal step and dyed my hair brown/redish. 
That's my natural color, but I've bleached my hair for almost five years so I'm not used anymore to this appearance. 
I had to change all my make-up routine which means new challenges! 

Here are some styles that I tried recently 

*PIN UP inspi'*

*Gorgeous Red Lips*

Mac Media lipstick


*Natural, Everyday look*

(This one was done by Haru)

 *Sexy eyes*

 That's it for today.
If you want details about the products I used, please don't be shy and ask! 
In the future I want to do make-up tutorial so tell me which look is your favorite!! 



  1. Wow, I like all of them! Especially the fairy one and the last one! It's a bit strange to see you with brown color but it certainly suits you. :)

  2. Hey, je t'ai nominé pour les Liebster Award, j'écris mes articles en Anglais. Comme, toi aussi ça ne devrait pas te poser de problème :)
    Je te laisse mon article si ça te tente de le faire! :D
