Jul 3, 2013

Brick by Brick

Hey guys! 

Time is flying here in Tokyo, already three months I've been here. 
On the same time I feel like a lot of things happened and on the other hand I still haven't done any big achievement. Don't know if I can be proud or have to be ashamed.

Everything is going well from school to private life, I feel very lucky. 
Anyway, I must not rest on these laurels and be more ambitious. 
I'm too lazy this is my worst vice. 

This week I attend 2 parties, first one at Aoyama's Baron de Paris and the other and Trump House in Shibuya. 

Warsaw vol 1 party at Le Baron was really cool with an awesome music selection. 

Drank some Whisky-Coke, as usual,  danced for a while , and met new people. 

make up of that day

LBSxwhiterabbit VICE event was at Trump House, I had nice talks with lot of different persons. Also the club is just awesome with crazy silver walls and mirrors everywhere like in the Trump Room.

I'm really glad to always meet new friends and discover new places in Tokyo. It's magic, never in Paris I would have been able to do such things, Parisian are so cold and egocentric sometimes. Of course there are also some assholes here in Japan, I'm not blind. 

Trump house

I moved from my guest house to a very cosy apartment in Shinjuku-ku with Aiko. 
Since i'm on holidays until next monday, I start cooking again, taking bath and studying. 

Relax, take it easy. 

Hope I will have some exiting news for next article and humm see you soon 


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