Jun 19, 2013

Double trouble

Hi everyone, it's been a long time!

I was so busy recently with school, life and poor health condition that's why I had no time and no energy to make a new article. Also, my life hasn't been so exiting in the past weeks. I kind of find a routine and everything, so my life became boring (for you to read, not for me to live because i'm super happy)
Anyway, recently  Aiko finally arrived in Tokyo so that we can start our new life together. She is also planning to stay here for a long time so we can made plans for working together on fashion related things. Many projects on the tracks and a very active social life.  We 're going to Rock this city!!
I just love writing on my blog, so I want you to follow what my life is going to be like and I want to show you my evolution and my achievement in fashion.
So, I hope you guys will be interested by it and I will do my best to keep my blog updated weekly.

Since my beautiful soulmate is in Tokyo, we attended two parties.
Last weekend  we went to the Trump Room at Shibuya with Kitty who is also back in Tokyo for one year! rainy shitty weather but we made it and spend quite a nice night. To be honest I was quite tired so I probably wasn't in the best mood to party.

Oh and as you can see I change my hair into grey/silver.


AIko and Me


I bought a new dress at Cannabis (Harajuku) from the brand Bitching and JunkFood 
still didn't manage to take good pictures of a full outfit.... sorry 
anyway I was wearing it during that night! 

Talking about Kitty, that made me remember that I was snapped by Nylon Japan at the Nylon Anniversary Party.

Yesterday, Minh invited us to a French Tuesday party in the landmark square Tokyo, it was a really beautiful place to have an "apero".  my outfit wasn't fancy at all but here are some pictures....


Minh, Me, Aiko( Vanessa) and Laura

Enough pictures for tonight, see you soon

1 comment:

  1. Yeaah un nouvel article!^-^ En tant que fan n°1 du duo de choc, je suis comblée XD
    Je suis amoureuse de ta nouvelle couleur de cheveux, les photos de la french tuesday party sont vraiment fantastiques. J'aime beaucoup cette coiffure avec le chignon, ça apporte une dimension graphique supplémentaire à une tenue pourtant "simple" à la base je trouve.
